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Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism or similarity Policy

Before submitting manuscript to Current Environment authors are requested to read the following instructions to avoid delays in initial screening-

  1. Maximum of the words and sentences are from own writing.
  2. None of the part of submitted manuscript is plagiarized.
  3. The processed data and results are authentic and from own works.
  4. Reference for all contents is extracted from other sources.
  5. Strong action will be taken against plagiarisms (if found particularly in “Research Findings” section).

Current Environment follows strict plagiarism policies and all submitted manuscripts have to pass through an advanced version of plagiarism detecting software package (CrossCheck by iThenticate / Dupli Checker).

The following strict rules we maintain-

  1. Similarities or plagiarisms reports by the software will be manually checked by editor.
  2. Similarities in title would be recommended to change if needed.
  3. Data similarities in abstract section are strictly prohibited.
  4. In cases of introduction and methodology section a negligible amount language based similarities would be considered.
  5. In results and discussion section similarities with other published manuscripts, particularly the findings or explanations of findings, must be a cause to reject your manuscript at the initial stage.
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If your submitted manuscript is found with plagiarisms in above mentioned area or in other parts of the manuscript, our team will send you back the manuscripts to bring the plagiarism level down to the journal’s minimum plagiarism criteria. However, to check your manuscripts similarities and get clear guidelines contact with the publisher or visit the publisher’s services area.

Note: Plagiarism or similarity is a very sensitive issue for any reputed journal or publisher; hence our editorial team will take it as high priority event before taking any decision. Current Environment is committed to keep its quality and requests authors not to submit any manuscripts just copying with other published works and if found guilty, the authority will take necessary actions, and if found anything serious they will make complaints to the authors institutions.