About Us

About the Publisher

BSE PRESS is an open access journal and book publishing platform located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and has been established in 2021 by few dedicated researchers. It aims to serve scientific community to publish and read the recent findings as easy as possible from anywhere of the world. The publisher aims to maintain quality standard to make impacted contribution in research world. Thus, our listed world class reviewers are willingly ready to scrutinize every single mistake or error from a manuscript, and guide the right ways to make the manuscript more outstanding and clearer. To make hassle free publishing. The publisher aims to initiate several easy ways for authors, but all the ways are related with manuscript submission and maintenance related. The publisher is dedicated to publish true piece of works following the strict rules on plagiarisms issues. We focus mainly on BioSciences and Environmental research for publishing.

About Our Journals

The publisher mainly publishes research journals under the broad subject categories of BioSciences and Environmental sciences. All journals focus the international outlook and maintenance the fair and standard review and editorial policies. We have renowned editorial board members from all the subject areas of each journal and a list of assigned reviewers from wide range of topics of each subject category. The reviewers must hold the doctorate degree to join as our listed reviewer. Besides, the editorial team will take primary decisions on newly submitted manuscript after checking plagiarisms, journal’s scope and language quality by an assigned editor. Final decision will be taken by the editorial board immediately after having the reviewers’ reports and give feedback to authors as soon as possible. All decisions will be made by the editorial team based on double blind review policies and the publisher has no editorial right to take any steps on research works, except maintenance of the journals. However, all journals have their own policies according to the editorial board. Kindly review your own works before submitting to our journals and for more information please visit the respective journal pages from our Journals sections. Moreover, our all journals follow almost the same policies and instructions for authors except few subject related changes.

About Book Publishing

Currently we have not started book publishing windows for authors. It is because; we are focusing on our currently published journals and working on to maintain fully scientific standard with hassle free publishing strategies. However, the publisher is hopeful to launch book publishing facilities soon and most probably within next year. For getting update on this issue, we request authors to make enquiry via email. Kindly visit the Contact section and please remember that our journals have no responsibility with book publishing scopes. Authors are invited to contact with the publisher if interested to publish books their own fields.

Abstracting and Indexing

An abstracting service is a service that provides abstracts of publications and indexing service is a service that assigns descriptors and other kinds of access points for documents. These are unavoidable for all kinds of publication nowadays. Our Journals are indexed by various abstracting and indexing agencies worldwide. For more information, please visit the respective Journal pages.