Our Services

Services for Readers

The publisher makes the articles free for all readers to download and read by open access policies. Even, any readers face any difficulties to read or download articles due to browsing device incompatibility, they will get full PDF version via email attachment without any charge immediately after requesting through email communication. Besides, readers can make complaints or objections of our contents or published works and we will solve the issue/issues with due respects timely. If readers have any suggestion to improve our publishing quality, please do not hesitate to inform us and the contributions will be highly welcomed by the publisher.

Services for Authors

We provide professional editing services for authors. A lot of English language experts are available with us to fix the grammatical errors, syntax format and sentence restructuring to make your manuscript interesting to read. We also provide plagiarism checking facilities and suggestions to avoid the similar words or sentences. If you think you need to develop your writings before submitting, you can contact with us to get excellences from our professional staffs. We will not support fraud articles, such as similarities found in numbers, results and figures. There are few services listed those we currently provide to authors-

  1. Manuscript proofreading and guidelines.
  2. Manuscript formatting according to specific journal.
  3. Referencing formatting according specific style.
  4. Grammatical mistakes, error and corrections.
  5. Plagiarism check and suggestions.

To get in touch for professional services, email us.

Statement of Service Ethics

We check plagiarisms to minimize the similarities, as well as we edit and proofread manuscript as part of language service, but we don't paraphrase and write any academic papers based on supplied data or materials. We provide services to make your writing language, format and style standard, and we are against of all misconducts during manuscript preparation. All communications to readers or authors for services will go through publisher correspondent.