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Malpractice Statement

Review Process Details

This journal follows the rules or guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are strict on the following malpractice issues-

Allegations of misconduct

This journal sets clearly described strategies to handle any allegations found pre or post-publication. The editorial team will forward the allegations and suggestions against the allegations to the publisher. The publisher will take necessary actions contacting with the authors controlling institute/ agencies/ organizations.

Contribution statement

The journal expects clear written statement about the authors’ contribution in the study indicating the roles of each author, particularly who designed, planed, experiment and analysis the results during the study. This will prevent any potential disputes of the manuscript.

Complaints and appeals

If authors or readers found any compliant relating with article submission, review process and if they found any complaints against any one relating with journal, they are kindly requested to contact with publisher. If audiences have any appeals on manuscript handling related issues they are requested to contact with the Editorial office.

Conflicts of interest

We have clear definitions of conflicts of interest handling for authors, reviewers, editors, journals, and publishers. If anyone claim any competing interests after or before publications, the corresponding author will responsible for the allegations and publisher will take the needful against the allegations.

Ethical complaints

If authors use vulnerable species populations, either plants/ animal/ human subjects in their study, they must be abiding by all ethical guidelines during handling the confidential data (if applicable) before publication. If anyone make complaints against the publication, all responsibilities will goes to the authors and as hiding the information during manuscript processing, the publisher will take necessary actions.

Intellectual property rights

All policies on copyright and publishing licenses should be clearly mentioned. The copyrights of all papers published in this journal are retained by the respective authors as per the 'Creative Commons Attribution License'. However, authors must concern about intellectual property rights by themself. We request authors to include the permissions if they used any materials from other sources. However, all authors will be responsible if there found any misconduct of copyright agreements provided during submission.

Privacy statement

The collected names and email addresses of authors, corresponding author and reviewers will not be used for any other purposes outside the editorial communications and review purposes. This information will not be handled to other third parties, because we respect the privacy of all information we collect from the authors. If you notice anything wrong in future, let us know the matters and any possible action will be taken on the misconduct.

Plagiarism or Similarity

One of our editorial members will scrutinize all submitted manuscripts immediately to check all similarities or plagiarism contained. We check plagiarism from title to before list of references sections to evaluate the works originality or find out possible fraudulent. If there found any misconducts, the article will be rejected or will be sent back to authors. The decision will be based on loads and types of similarities as section wise. The journal uses commercial plagiarism checker. To know more, kindly check our plagiarisms policy.

Duplicate publication

When authors submitted manuscript is overlap with any already published articles or articles in a press or progress indicated as duplicate/redundant publication. When the same manuscripts or same data and discussions are submitted simultaneously to another journal indicated as duplicate publication according to international laws (APA Publication Manual, 2010). Authors must have to be aware about the laws concerning with duplicate publication. Our journal must strict against any redundant publication; even there is found any duplication after publication, the journal will announce and publish the editorial letter of that duplication. Moreover, if we notice any duplicate publication after years of publication, it will be removed from our journal and an editorial letter (as duplication announcement mentioning the manuscript title and authors name) will be attached the removed place.