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Author Instructions

General Information

Current Environment is an open access international journal. It follows publishing guidelines defined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and WAME (World Association of Medical Editors). As open access journal, Current Environment follows the all rules and regulations attributed by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. That means authors can share their published articles from this journal to anywhere without prior permission. Even, there is no registration required for readers to read any article. We suggest authors to make themselves aware of about the rules, regulations and policies on ethical publishing guidelines by the mentioned organizations. Besides, carefully read the journal’s own instructions and policies before submitting your manuscript to this journal. The instructions and polices are given below-

Submission Ethics

To make submission hassle free, the journal follows one form named Authors Submission Form along with the prepared manuscript via online submission system. The form includes the cover letter, manuscript details, authors’ details, author’s agreement and information about two suggested reviewers. Download this form Author Submission Form.doc or Author Submission Form.pdf and fill up the all information. This form is mandatory during manuscript submission and all responsibilities must be attributed on corresponding author. This journal doesn’t receive any article which is simultaneously handling by other journal, and if the board found any misconduct in this regard, we will take necessary actions.

Publishing Ethics

If any study includes individual participants as part of questionnaire, photograph or video, they have right to know the results of their participations. The results found from the individual participants must be in the manuscript with details, and the written consent of each individual participant or their legal guardian must be attached in the manuscript during submission. If the participant has died, then consent for publication must be sought from the next of kin of the participant. Without these written consents, the final decision would be delayed; even it would be a reason for manuscript sent back to authors without publishing.

Animal Trial Ethics

If manuscript contains animal trial or uses animal as model organisms as part of research, the authors must have submitted a clearance certificate on ethical guidelines and regulations set by the concerning authorities from where the research is conducted. Moreover, there need to demonstrate their works in accordance with the internationally accepted principles for animal use and care in laboratory purposes.

Conflict of Interest

All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest. The interest may be any financial, personal or other relationships with individual people or organizations that can influence the research work. The conflict of interest will be shown in the published article.

Funding Sources

Authors are requested to include all financial support in the acknowledgement section.

International System of Units

Authors are requested to use the data units as per guidelines of International System of Units in their manuscripts. No other measurements units will be considered by this journal.

Supplementary Materials

Authors are requested to submit the tables, figures or any data they included in the manuscripts as they want to submit as supplementary material. Any details and queries regarding supplementary material should be addressed to the corresponding author of the paper. The editorial office may ask sometimes for supplementary data as per reviewers request.

Correction Policy

If any publication record found with mistakenly wrong findings due to authors inappropriate analysis or due to technical problem from laboratory instruments, it is necessary to publish the corrections of the article to make accuracy in findings which will help others. Corrections will be published in the subsequent issue.

Retraction Policy

Retractions will be done when the main conclusion of the paper is seriously undermined. Sometimes, a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission/publication following the suggestions of its authors or scholarly community.

Authorship Policy

Authorship is very important part of an article that has the sole responsibility about the conducted research. Current Environment does not allow any honorary, guest or co-corresponding authorship. Even it is not possible to accept the individuals as authors who have participated in the conducted research only providing materials or instruments or few suggestions during data generation. They should be listed in Acknowledgments section indicating their contribution briefly.

Authorship Change Policy

To add, remove or rearrange any author/ authors before publication of any accepted article, corresponding author must have to send a request letter to the Editor-in-Chief including the reason/ reasons. Editor-in-Chief will forward the reasons to the other authors for confirmation before adding/ removing/ rearranging by emailing. Authorship changes requests will not be preceded after publishing.

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

If authors request to withdraw their submitted manuscripts before initial decision to review comments, they just need to submit a letter explaining with reasons for manuscript withdrawal to the editorial office. The letter must be signed by all authors and all responsibilities of the validity of the stated reasons on corresponding author. In this stage, authors do not ask to pay any withdrawal fee. If authors want to withdraw their manuscripts after having review comments, a withdrawal fee (25 USD) will have to be paid.

Taxonomic Names

Authors should follow the nomenclatural acts in accordance with the guidelines set by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Moreover, in case of new taxa reporting authors have to register the name/names with a recognized repository/ organizations/ institute/ other digital platforms.

Cover Page Request

During submission, authors are requested to upload a high resolution image for cover page of the coming issue. Image size format should be JPG or PNG; size <3MB with 300dpi resolution. As a footnote, contributor name will be acknowledged in the issue. We request to upload image relating with our aims and scopes.