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About the journal

About the journal

Plants and Ecosystem

Plants and Ecosystem is an international, open access and peer reviewed research journal which is open for all branches of plant sciences and ecosystem research. Currently, this journal publishes one issue annually with sole aim of rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge among scientists and other academics across the world. However, editorial committee may decide the number of issues to be published depending upon quantity of submitted articles. This journal encourages noble and innovative findings although it may accept some basic or fundamental findings with scientific significances. Each year we receive huge number of articles, but only the articles based on scientific merits are forwarded by editorial board for publications.


Annual (1 issue per year).

Manuscript Types

Plants and Ecosystem publishes following four types of works-

1. Original Research Article: Covering own research works of authors with scientific excellence.

2. Review Article: Review on concurrent issue or issues by focusing on a particular question.

3. Short Communication: Manuscript on important, interesting and novel findings.

4. Case report: Report on case study from any branch of Science and Technology.

Note: Plants and Ecosystem does not follow page and word limit and recommend manuscripts with concise presentation. For more information please see our author section.

Aims and Scopes

Plants and Ecosystem covers almost all the fields of plant sciences as well as the ecosystem research including photosynthetic organisms as model species. However, this journal publishes findings from the following fields.

  • Plant Taxonomy
  • Plant Tissue Culture
  • Mycology; Plant Pathology
  • Ecology; Ecosystem; Evolution
  • Algae Biotechnology; Limnology
  • Genetics; Cytogenetics; Cell Biology
  • Plant Breeding; Molecular Biology
  • Plant Physiology; Biochemistry
  • Ethnobotany; Economic Botany
  • Phycology; Aquatic Plants
  • Horticulture; Agronomy

Note: It also considers few exceptional articles from other fields of biosciences strongly focusing on plants or plant parts as part of the research.

Editorial Team Selection

The Editorial Team of Plants and Ecosystem is consisted of Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Advisory Editorial Members and Editorial Members. The appointment term of each member is 3 years. To support the team, we have Managing Editor and Editorial Assistant who assist each manuscript from submissions reception to online availability. The publisher generally invites applications for joining as Editorial team members once in 3 years. The existing editorial team/ any member of the team can be tenured. The member selection criteria include expertise in the field of interest, Google Scholar's H-index and previous relevant experiences. Editor-in-Chief must have any previous relevant experiences as an editorial member of at least 2 years, and he/she must be an active Professor in any reputed University. In case of other editorial members, they must have doctorate degree or more than five years of research experiences in the relevant field. We ensure geographical balance and a wide range of expertise while selecting members for editorial team.

Maintenance Costs

Plants and Ecosystem is a one of the journals publishes by BSE PRESS. Thus it’s all associated costs are the responsibility of the publisher. The publisher will collect some funds to supports the costs by charging APC (Article Processing Charge) of the accepted article.