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Role of Plants to Restore Nature and to Increase Food Productions Simultaneously

Chandrika Nanayakkara

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Colombo, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka


Article History

Received: 30 March 2022, Published online: 16 April 2022

Summary: This editorial writing gives the reader(s) insights of some of our last issue's published works, what the authors mentioned and what significance they provide. Moreover, this writing gives the audience(s) some of recent information that how plants play role to restore our nature and to make foods for the people. The plants from terrestrial to ocean here tried to mention to sink CO2, which is considered as a major factor for increasing world temperature. Hopefully, the witting will help reader(s) about the journal's last issue in a brief along with the main theme of this editorial.
The current world is facing problems related to climate change which would create a substantial crisis in the food production system in the future (1). Not only changing pattern of climate is an only precursor for this situation, but also the increasing population. Many regions of the world have already witnessed how the overcrowded populations surge the many other problems associated with climate change, greenhouse effect for example (2). As the population increase, the land area with plants decreases to support the additional amount of population to provide food and shelter mainly (3). Thus, the degradation of nature and the food crisis are most probably due to the outcomes of plants diminishing abruptly (4).
Now researchers are trying to develop the ideas to set up activities to save the nature as well as to solve the upcoming food crisis. They are developing new strategies or techniques to increase plants or plants derived foods through advanced and alternative farming approaches (5,6). Recently, Khatun et al. reported that onion can be produced hydroponically where there are several possibilities to use the methods as environment-friendly (7). They used several types of supporting media, environment-friendly inert materials, to produce onion without using soil that would be an indicative way for many nations where huge lands needed to produce onion. Besides, satellite-associated remote sensing in the crop fields to monitor crop yielding is a good example of technological advancement which can maximize productivity without affecting the fields (8). Even, the use of artificial intelligence in monitoring crop fields and hydroponic production system can ensure the proper fertilizer or nutrient utilization, which is considered as one of the reasons to degrade other farm fields nearby (9). Moreover, plants, seaweeds mostly in the ocean, act as a sink of CO2 which is identified as the main cause for greenhouse effects in the earth's atmosphere (10).
Hopefully, in the future plants will play a vital role at the policy level by most of the nations because of international organizations rising awareness towards the necessity of plants for the world. Scientists will develop more techniques that will provide food and at the same time will remove hazardous chemicals from the environment (11). Many barren lands, destructing forests, and degraded ecosystems will be green again with the help of the advancement of plant sciences. Terrestrial to aquatic everywhere plants will be a game-changer to abate environmental degradation and to increase productivity. Already scientists emphasized that plants and their photosynthetic capacity can solve most of the current environmental problems directly or indirectly (12).
In conclusion, future research on all areas of plant science will embrace the positive aspects of restoring nature along with increasing food productions. Therefore, to restore nature as well as to solve the food crisis, plants have unavoidable significance.

Corresponding Author

Chandrika Nanayakkara



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To Cite the Article

Nanayakkara C. Role of plants to restore nature and to increase food productions simultaneously. Plants and Ecosystem. 2022;2:1-2.