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Climate Change and Coastal Ecosystems: Impacts, Challenges, and Solutions

Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh

Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Qatar University, Qatar


Article History

Received: 30 April 2023, Published: 01 June 2023

Climate change brings about various challenges to coastal ecosystems, including rising sea levels, increasing water temperatures, and more frequent and severe storms. These changes have significant consequences, such as the loss of coastal habitats, coral bleaching and mortality, and disruptions to ocean biodiversity. Storms further exacerbate the damage by causing flooding, erosion, and habitat loss, affecting the reproduction and migration patterns of marine life. The decline in biodiversity and marine life has long-lasting impacts on coastal communities that rely on fishing and tourism. However, mitigation strategies involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the adoption of renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable land use practices to protect and restore coastal habitats. Raising public awareness and engaging communities through educational programs are crucial steps in understanding and safeguarding the importance of coastal ecosystems.



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To Cite the Article

Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh. Climate change and coastal ecosystems: impacts, challenges, and solutions. Current Environment. 2023;3:1-2.