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Research Article

Freshwater Zooplankton in Rain-fed Wild Ponds: A Perspective on Species Diversity and Water Quality

Md. Saiful Islam1, Maeen Uddin1, Asma Jaman2, Sweety Bhowmik1, Tasnime Jannat Rifa1, Irina Mashkova3, Najmus Sakib Khan1

1. Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science & Technology University, Noakhali - 3814, Bangladesh
2. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh
3. Department of Chemistry, South Ural State University, Russia


Article History

Received: 28 Jun 2022, Revised: 16 Aug 2022, Accepted: 25 Aug 2022, Published: 08 Sep 2022


Zooplanktons play an important role to transfer energy from the primary level to upper trophic organisms in aquatic bodies. Naturally, in rainy seasons, a number of rain-fed ponds have occurred for short existence. These seasonal rainy ponds are sustained for a maximum of two or three months before winter. In this short period, newly introduced rainfed ponds are known for the nourishment of zooplankton with temporal nutrients supplied from surface run-off and subsequently freshly flourishing algae. As in result, the fisheries could be enhanced and exploited as promising food sources to people through these seasonal rain-fed ponds. The present study is demonstrated with rotifer (10677.778 ± 2306.27 ind/l) followed by copepod (2184.72 ± 601.56 ind/l) and cladocera (884.72 ± 96.72 ind/l) with some aquatic chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen (4.7-5.5 mg/l), ammonia (0.21-0.27 mg/l), nitrate (0.15-0.22 mg/l), total dissolved solids (245-508 mg/l) and pH (6.8-7.8).


Cladocera, Copepods, Rotifera, Seasonal ponds.

Corresponding Author

Najmus Sakib Khan


Conflict of Interest

All authors declared no conflict of interests.


This study was successfully completed with the funds and logistical support provided by Research Cell (Grant Number: NSTU/RC-OC-04/T-22/64), Noakhali Science and Technology University. The authors highly appreciate the professional supports during water and plankton sample analysis in the Coastal Plankton Laboratory, Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science and Technology University.

To Cite the Article

Islam MS, Uddin M, Asma Jaman, Bhowmik S, Rifa TJ, Mashkova I, Khan NS. Freshwater zooplankton in Rainfed wild ponds: A perspective on species diversity and water quality. Current Environment. 2022;2:28-32.