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Research Article

Freshwater Algal Assemblages in Seasonal Ponds: An Opportunity in Coastal Agriculture and Aquaculture

Maeen Uddin1, Tasnim Sultana2, Sanjida Akter Nisa1, Jaber Bin Abdul Bari1, Irina Mashkova3, Najmus Sakib Khan1

1. Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science & Technology University, Noakhali - 3814, Bangladesh
2. Department of Fisheries & Marine Science, Noakhali Science & Technology University, Noakhali - 3814, Bangladesh
3. Department of Chemistry, South Ural State University, Russia


Article History

Received: 14 Jun 2022, Revised: 21 Jun 2022, Accepted: 22 Jun 2022, Published: 25 Jun 2022


Algae are considered the foundation of aquatic bodies. Seasonal ponds might be a blessing to society through temporal aquaculture during monsoon and agriculture during desiccation in winter season. The biochemical constitution of the aquatic food web is determined by the algal composition. Moreover, the algal diversity mostly drives the nutritional index of fisheries by the nutritional transection of interconnecting agent zooplankton. The current study has found major algal groups, such as Chlorophyta (10 genera), Bacilariophyta (05 genera), Cyanophyta (04 genera), and Euglenophyta (07 genera) in three chosen short-timed rain-fed ponds. The aquatic algae are very renowned for their photosynthesis & nutritional contribution to the food web, chemical compounds in the industries, soil conditioning capability as fertilizers, and allelochemical activities in ecosystems. According to these multivariate roles, algal biomass can create potential opportunities for the future world.


Uddin M, Sultana T, Nisa SA, Bari JBA, Mashkova I, Khan NS. Freshwater algal assemblages in seasonal ponds: An opportunity in coastal agriculture and aquaculture. Current Environment. 2022;2:22-27

Corresponding Author

Najmus Sakib Khan


Conflict of Interest

All authors declared no conflict of interests.


This study was successfully completed with the funds and logistical support provided by all authors. Special thanks to Md. Saiful Islam of his unavoidable assistance during water sampling. The authors appreciate the logistical and professional support during plankton sample analysis in the Coastal Plankton Laboratory, Dept. of Oceanography, Noakhali Science and Technology University.

To Cite the Article

Uddin M, Sultana T, Nisa SA, Bari JBA, Mashkova I, Khan NS. Freshwater algal assemblages in seasonal ponds: An opportunity in coastal agriculture and aquaculture. Current Environment. 2022;2:22-27