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Research Article

Study of Seaweed Diversity and Water Physicochemical Properties of Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh

Riyad Hossen1, Md. Hasnat Jaman2, Afroja Nasrin3

1. Department of Botany, University of Barishal, Barishal-8254, Bangladesh
2. Department of Geology and Mining, University of Barishal, Barishal-8254, Bangladesh
3. Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Barishal, Barishal-8254, Bangladesh


Article History

Received: 25 December 2021, Revised: 23 February 2022, Accepted: 10 March 2022, Published: 16 April 2022


St. Martin's Island is one of the unreached areas for the field of ecology, phycology and biodiversity research in global perspective. This study explored the present status of avaiable seaweeds and water physico-chemical properties through three locations (ST.1, ST.2 and ST.3) of the island. A total of 51 seaweed species were listed under 3 major groups, where Rhodophyceae possessed 41% species, following Phaeophyceae (31%) and Chlorophyceae (28%). The southern part (ST.3) consisted highest number of species (37%) and showed comparatively rich diversity according to three diversity indices (Shannon Weiner index, Simpson Index and Margalef index). The overall temperature found almost homogeneous in winter (24.68 °C) and pre-monsoon (29.05 °C). The lowest pH was recorded in northwestern location (ST.1) during high tide of winter (pH 8.34±0.24). The water was comparatively less saline in ST.2, and higher dissolved oxygen produced at ST.3 (7.05 to 7.58 mg/L). There were found significant relations among the physico-chemical properties and the seaweed groups in the island.


Macroalgae, Correlation studies, Dissolved oxygen, Water temperature, Ecosystem.

Corresponding Author

Riyad Hossen


Conflict of Interest

All authors declared no conflict of interests.


This study was successfully completed by the funds and logistical supports provided by all authors. Special thanks to Dr. Mahmud Hasan for his unavoidable assistance during water sampling. The authors appreciate the logistical supports from the professional SCUBA driver and volunteer during seaweed sampling.

To Cite the Article

Hossen R, Jaman MH, Nasrin A. Study of seaweed diversity and water physico-chemical properties of Saint Martin's Island of Bangladesh. Current Environment. 2022;2:3-10.